Safe sailing is the first thought of the good sailor who goes to sea. However, he urges a preliminary clarification because what this really means is a controversial topic. There is no doubt that important progress has been made in the field of safety at sea over the years, but on such a broad subject we still often hear totally different theories being formulated. Therefore, it is difficult to orientate oneself and draw a truly effective synthesis on these bases. Indeed, there are numerous schools of thought. Safety even seems to be one of the most popular topics on the quay among sailor friends. But it is also the subject of deplorable overused discussions in the media on the occasion of unfortunate tragedies.
Our opinion is that there are no safe or dangerous situations regardless, but that “the package” should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for each situation. For example, we could consider a long voyage on the ocean with a prepared boat and crew safe, while branding an impromptu exit in front of the beach as dangerous. But from a practical point of view, how should we behave? How to act to adopt the “safety culture”? To answer this question we can only humbly say that a lot of experience is needed. In the meantime there is our simple decalogue: if we always scrupulously follow these rules to begin with (but also later), we will always do the right thing. And every navigation will always be remembered with immense joy.
However, the choice of the boat is also important…